Sofia Kathryn West
Born 12:51 pm
Wednesday January 24th, 2007
19.5 inches
7lbs, 5oz.
Congratulations, Grandpa and Grandma!
Phil and Maud dance around the hotel room while I send our congratulations to Allison and Adam.
They had kept her name a secret till the last, calling her only Surprise!! She lived up to her advance billing and arrived two weeks ahead of schedule just to let us know who is now in charge: a woman on a mission!
So the future rushes into our arms, full of needs and full of promise.
Next morning we wake up early and set out for home at 5:30 am in southeastern India on Wednesday, January 31st. We chase the sun through ten and a half time zones in a car, a bus, three jet planes, and numerous wheelchairs.
After 26 hours it is still January 31st, 9:30 pm, when Kerrie and Lars greet us at the airport in Boston, holding our winter coats. We are tired and very grateful for the journey that still has much to teach us.
In the next posts, we will try to tell you what we have seen and learned as if it is just happening now.
Great great grandma Maud, grandpa Phil and I dedicate this blog to a better future for the world and especially to Sofia Kathryn West, who brings together many races and cultures in a little body that is ready for the road!